Thursday, December 31, 2009
What If There's a Tweeter Before
On: 4:57 AM

Isn't cool if there's already a Tweeter in old days?
Maybe prophecy don't have to be put in rocks instead you just
have to subscribe to Tweets
Manny - Twilight (synopsis)
On: 4:43 AM
The story beguns after Manny the Vampire beaten Cotto the puerto-rican Sasquatch. A lot of Twists xploded in the story and after a lot of blah-blah-blah and more blah-blah-blah , Mayweather (1/4-human ,1/4-Vampire and 1/2-Money) the main antagonist then came in for his evilness. As for greediness way he challenged Manny for a real domination. The big-fight in the story has been settle but did not went through because Mayweather wan't more blood but Manny don't wan't it because blood weakens him..... That's all -- The End and Whatever...
** But what happened the to Fred Roach, nothing he did the voice over for Manny.
Your Daily Inbox
On: 4:30 AM

Reason Why Pacman Don't Like to undergo any Testing
On: 4:27 AM

1.He'll be busy working with his candidency for election and no time to review any test.
2. He has a doubt with the needle to be used, it must be contained with kryptonite.
3. He has a 'Dinuguan' phobia, and it will make him vomite when seeing that food.
4.He has nightmare with Mayweather sucking up his blood.
5. Mayweather will use Pacman blood to experiment and fuse it to himself to gain more strength.
6. They will find a counter formula from the Blood sample and put it to Pacman power drink.
Reason Why Mayweather Declined Pacman's Demand
On: 4:25 AM

Reason Why Mayweather Declined the offer from Pacman's camp:
1. The amount of blood proposing Pacman camp is not enough to fill in his bath tub.
2. Pacman did not agree to let him suck the blood instead using of a needle.
3. Pacman did not agree to use chainsaw to open his skin for Blood sample.
4. Mayweather want's it to be taken at random part of the body including #@!!!..
5. Pacman proposing his Blood to be cooked in Dinuguan and let Mayweather taste it.
Mcdonald And Jollibee - Love Ko To
On: 4:09 AM
This will make all Jollibee fanatics cry, seeing their favorite bee fallen to the red clown.
I'm wondering , What would be their kid?

Mcjolli Bee
Prime Minister Mori - Who Are You?
On: 4:01 AM

First time I have read this joke or real life joke it made me laugh but then little after it made feel guilty :) . Sometimes English is too difficult and I believe Nihongo is the most difficult , so we can not blame the guy if he can't speak it well. Even some natives American speaks their language wrongly but still its not a real big deal for others as long as no one will argue. Anyway,.. nothing to sort of these things..
Origins: The first thing an astute follower of politics might notice about this humorous anecdote is that it would be rather unusual for Yoshiro Mori to be making a trip to Washington, D.C., to meet with Barack Obama, since Mori's term as prime minister of Japan ended in April 2001, nearly eight years before Barack Obama became president of the United States. That's a clue that this item is yet another piece of recycled political humor, one which originally circulated back in mid-2000, during President Bill Clinton's final year in office:
Before the recent G8 summit in Okinawa, Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori was coached in a bit of English. Upon meeting Clinton, he was to say "How are you?" The response was supposed to be "I'm fine, thank you. And you?" Mori was to answer, "Me too."
When they actually met, Mori made a small slip-up and said, "Who are you?"
Clinton replied, "I'm Hillary's husband." To which Mori replied, "Me too."
The original version apparently worked its way over to the United States after having circulated in the Japanese tabloid press, where it was offered as a jab at an unpopular prime minister who had already become an object of derision for (among other reasons) having made several untoward verbal gaffes during his short time in office:
In January [2000], he had come under fire from AIDS campaigners when speaking about his first election campaign in 1969.
"When I was greeting farmers from my car, they all went into their homes. I felt like I had AIDS," he said. Mr Mori later apologised for the comment.
And in February, he caused further embarrassment when describing security problems the United States faced from the Y2K computer bug.
"When there is a blackout, the murderers always come out. It's that type of society," Mr Mori quipped.
He had previously sparked controversy by saying that some teachers were controlled by communists.
Tales of Mori confusing the English words "how" and "who" while greeting a U.S. president also circulated in other forms:
During July's Group-of-Eight Summit in Okinawa, U.S. President Bill Clinton approached Mori and asked, "How are you?" Mori replied, "I am Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori." To his credit, Mori's phrase was in flawless English, though the answer probably wasn't quite what Clinton expected.
The very same joke had appeared in the U.S. press several months earlier, at that time attributed to Kim Young-sam, who served as President of South Korea for five years beginning in 1993. The same apocryphal tale has also been told about any number of non-English speaking politicians from various countries.
The chances of this jape's playing out in real life are slim for the time being, as the current Japanese prime minister, Taro Aso, is a fluent speaker of English who studied at Stanford University and the London School of Economics.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Safe Parking
On: 7:24 AM
If you are too paranoid to get your car stolen, here are some tips that can help you How to park your car i n the safest and to keep it away from Car Robber.

"Park it close to your home..."

"Surround it with canals so no one can trespass"

"Covered with pinatas so no one will notice it's a car"

"Park it where Police can see it.. "
Christmas Story From A Child
On: 6:27 AM
Religious Scholars are now looking at this story for it will reveal new untold facts about Christmas. The child who made this is under custody and barely under-examination.

Happy Animals
On: 6:19 AM
Not only at Mcdonald's Farm where you can find Happy Animals. We have searched around the globe to find those animals that are happy being an Animal.

"HAHAHA.. the North Pole are melting.. we're all be instinct.. bwahaha!"

"Harhar you like a horse... atleast I'm cute as a donkey"

"something stuck on my teeth, I think its a human toe I ate earlier"
The Dog Called 'Tiny'
On: 6:15 AM
He trained to hunt Buffalo's , Lion, Tiger and even Dinosours . As for his first day he catch a Bear not bad for a beginner.

'Sorry Boss, this what's only left from that Yogi..."
Pets Will Do your Dirty Works
On: 6:05 AM
Not only man can do manly thing, even your pet can do the dirty works. Some pets are trainable to amuse people but some pets are trainable to do your stuff so you won't have headache fixing them.

"Ok just a little scratch then this will be good to go"
Why Santa in the Mall Hates their Job
On: 1:56 AM
During XMas you'll be seeing some Santa Mall that's usually people will have photo with him for a fee. Sometimes he will carry the kid or seat it to his lap to have photo . It looks not a hard job though, but you didn't know that they have the most toxic job ever :)

"ohh boy, not you billy again, .. err I hate my job"

"Ohh please.. crying babies again.. I hate xmas :("
Airplane Pusher Job
On: 1:49 AM
Its not really a hard job , it will just takes you some minutes to finish one Airplane. Your job is too wait for departing Airplane , a captain will call when they about to start to depart then you and the others will starts the push.
"NO,.. NO,..NO!!!.. guys , you pushing it the wrong way..
Now pull it back!!! "
How To Clean Up Your PC
On: 1:41 AM
This will make sure your PC is clean against all viruses .
You can also use some soap freshener after washing, this way its also be free from bacteria.

"They told me to clean it up , I wonder if they also referring to include the Monitor"
If You've Seen This Baby Knocking At Your Door
On: 1:29 AM
Awwww.. so cute baby, atleast he's on a better basket and not in a garbage can. If you can only buy this kind of baby in the Market.

"Wait.. this is not what I've ordered, I said Baby Basket Meal"
Baby got Excited With Milk
On: 1:24 AM
I can't imagine how long been this baby haven't tasted a Milk for a long time or since after birth. Maybe the Baby is just a Milk addict :).

"WOW!!! fresh milk from a male Gorilla... harharhar.."
Jet Plane Parked at the Street
On: 1:13 AM
Check this out, if Jet Plane can be parked in street this will be it looks like.
For sure Police will be ticketed the pilot for 'Parking' violation though where's the 'No Parking' sign for jetplane?

"Sorry..., just need to pee here"
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Funny Exam Answers
On: 4:28 AM

yes Kids always do the darn things. Even they answer stupidly in quiz but still its so cute when do their things.
Here are some questions that they've answered , if you don't got laugh then your answer might the same with them.
Q. Name the four seasons
A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar
Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink
A. Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists
Q. How is dew formed
A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire
Q. What causes the tides in the oceans
A. The tides are a fight between the earth and the moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins the fight
Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on
A. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed
Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections
A. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election
Q. What are steroids
A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs
Q. What happens to your body as you age
A. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental
Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty
A. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery
Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes
A. Premature death
Q. What is artificial insemination
A. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow
Q. How can you delay milk turning sour
A. Keep it in the cow
Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorised (e.g. The abdomen)
A. The body is consisted into 3 parts – the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A, E, I, O and U
Q. What is the fibula?
A. A small lie
Q. What is the most common form of birth control
A. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium
Q. Give the meaning of the term ‘Caesarean section’
A. The caesarean section is a district in Rome
Q. What is a seizure?
A. A Roman Emperor.
Q. What is a terminal illness
A. When you are sick at the airport.
Q. What does the word ‘benign’ mean?
A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight
Q. What is a turbine?
A. Something an Arab or Shreik wears on his head
There Is No SuperPower To Prevent AIDS
On: 4:02 AM
I like this ads, we know Superman only weakness is Kryptonite but guess not only that.
Even SuperHero are human could be a victim of unsafe Sex .

You Can't Undo Unsafe Sex
On: 3:58 AM
Yes, humans are not like MS-Word that if you miss-type something , there's always an 'undo' you can hit anytime. The lesson here is always ready a back-up.

"ohh no!, undo is not working, maybe I'll redo it, redo , redo.. hey its fun though"
Extreme Make-Over
On: 3:49 AM
To all people trying hard to modify their looks and not barely contented for what their having , I have a little suggestion for all of you. Why don't you try this different kind of Make-Over , this all surely will put their eyes on you :)
Job Hiring: Condom Tester
On: 3:46 AM
I have no comment with this , I'm sure a lot of guys will queue for the post.
I wonder how they terminate their employees?

Bike Rider-Photographer For Goole Maps
On: 3:39 AM
This will happen if Google lost all their millions and have to support their Google Earth manually. This is also good for a lot of unemployed bum people that are desperately looking for a job.

"Oh shit.. someone explored Africa. I need to get there on time"
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